Saturday, February 6, 2016

Monthly summary for Feb

I have missed doing your monthly blogs all this while. When you turned two I thought I would stop but then I see no reason as to why I should deprive you of knowing what you were up to all these months, when apparently you have gone so much funnier and talking a storm. 
So here I am again, getting you to know yourself better :) 

Here's everything that you have been upto this month....

Swimming:- We enrolled you for your first activity this month and you have already taken about three classes. Apart from the weekly class we have been hitting the pool at least  three days a week by ourselves. You are absolutely in love with it and as soon as daddy comes home from work you start off "Daddy let's go swimming" you run around the house screaming "Swimming time",want your"cotoom( costume)" and the "waterpoof ( waterproof) diaper"

 Every night you sleep I ask you to close your eyes and think of something happy and you go              " swimming pool" You can't just stop smiling when you enter the pool and that's definitely one of your very happy places..

Play times:- You are quite indulged in playtimes now as you are aware of what you are suppose to do with toys . You have a lot of company at home as nanu ,nanya are very involved grandparents.Other than which you meet your friends and totally hit it. The days you don't go swimming you go for your evening park times with  nanu and nanya and that is one more happy place for you:)


With one of your bestie.. baby Anya

Morning :- You wake up around 8 in the morning everyday, have your breakfast and go for a morning bird watching with nanu. Mommy has to keep some extra bread crumbs for the seven turkey babies that you and nanu feed these days. Nanu educates you every time he takes you out and it's not funny how at two years you almost can identify almost ten different kinds of just bird species ( some of which even mommy didn't know).

Afternoon:-  You take a quick bite and head for a nap. Two hours down and you wake up all fresh to rule the world. You are then served your lunch after which it's all about playing. You get to watch TV only during the times you are eating.

Evening :-   You are great company for our tea times and demand a separate bowl of  whatever snack the biggies are eating. You nicely sit on your high chair and finish your hot chocolate and then it's time to get ready for the evening activity.

Night:-   We are back from the swim by 8 pm and head straight  to dinner after a nice shower and by 9 pm we are ready to hit the bed and call it a day.

Thursday night, shopping night!! 

Friday being daddy's boys night we prefer making a big deal out of Thursday. The idea being that we know it's our day out as a family. We leave all our shopping( other than the grocery) and dining out to this day of the week. So this week I decided to hand over the shopping cart to my little BIG girl and headed shopping. 

Missy walked the isles like a pro carefully watching all the stuff and picking up one or two items but carefully putting them back. But when it came to the makeup isle the little girl just couldn't resist the beautiful nail paints and lipsticks. 

Another Thursday night !! and we bumped into mahi's ever fave Anya 

We then headed for dinner at our fave "Pappa Rich" and I couldn't have been more proud of you because you ate almost 3 prawns and half chicken with nanu. I enjoyed a peaceful dinner that day and you were just so good. 


1. If I sit with hand on the head you run to me and ask " Mommy boo boo" and before I say a yes you you go" I will get medicine, wait" .... then she gets the cream which is easily accessible to her and is rubbed on my foot. 

2. You can't be without seeing nanya for too long and she goes in for her morning power nap she        knocks on the door and says " Nanya, coooome!! it's morning... the sun has cuum... please coome!! Naaaanya, please come!! "

3. We have created an imaginary character " Lucy" and we try to scare u off with it if you are not sleeping. It worked quite well for a a month and now when you don't sleep you yourself start calling out for her.. " Lucy come, mahi not sleeping" 

4. It's awesome how you eat stuff... Such a neat girl you are. You would want to clean your mouth if you feel it's gone dirty and then your hands and then your table. You have a thing for cleanliness, a lill OCD like your mum. 

When you say something I am so sure I would document it but when I begin to write I lose everything. From now on I need to pen them down properly. 

You are learning fast :-

1.Your vocabulary consists of words like consequences,time out, hungry, sleepy, boo boo, sad , happy , crying, excited ( well saying almost everything).  
2. You know a lot of rhymes out of which the "finger song" and " I am a lill tea pot" are your fave.
3. You know almost all the animal names...even the big one like rhinoceros and hippopotamus. 
4. You know all colors 
5. You are learning your shapes these days and can identify .. circle and triangle. 
6. You sing the ABC song from when you were 18 months but now you go ahead saying A for apple and can say up till E for Elephant. 
7. You can count till 100 ( can you believe it) but all we need to help you with is the end marks like 20's and 30's , after which you pickup and go on saying thirty one etc etc..
8. You know the names of so many birds from your educational walks with nanu in the park. 

All in all you are still a dream baby which turns into a nightmare sometimes( just kidding, though well it's true) 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Swimming time!

Mahi you went for your first swimming class this weekend. You have always loved getting into the water and I was too sure about how you would love it but only, that I was soo wrong this time. What went into you have no idea but you were so scared and hugged daddy so tight as if a water monster was chasing you. This terror struck you for good ten minutes after which everything began to settle and you started to enjoy it. 

Absolutely not ready to go join the group... 

Papa trying to have a little pep talk to ease you.. 

And see it worked!! 

All smiles towards the end of it.. 

After you got changed you stood by the pool and observed too keenly while you enjoyed your snack.

You did extremely well for a first ever class. Mommy and daddy can't be more proud of you. All we want is for you to simply enjoy whatever you do. 

Day two was so much better and you acted quite a pro once you were in water....
Not to miss mentioning the excitement before going to the class....You kept saying
"Mahi wear her swimming cotooom( costume)" " Mahi go swimming" " Mahi Acited (excited)"

Blog Entry:- 2-02-2016

Nanu and nanya accompanied you for the class and you were super pumped.... you soo wanted nanu to come in the water with you so nanu promised to bring his swimwear for the next class .

A little reluctant still to get into the water ...

And decided to take a break just before anything started...

Finally daddy convinced you to get inside ....and " here starts the party" 

Hope you have lots of fun swimming!! and yes just in case you begin to think why is mom never around in so many events just remember there had to be someone behind the lens. 

Blog Entry:- 3-02-2016

I can't believe how you in just two days have absolutely got the hang of  being in the pool. From darn scared to absolutely rocking it . How do you do that girl? I wish we adults could you also overcome our fears like you little bums do.
 Well all I can say is that you completely took me and daddy by awe when you jumped into the pool from a pedestal where you were even scared to sit two days back. Just keep rocking and loving it all. Love you munchkin!!

You love it and are now making a fuss when the swim time is over. Today you went " Only Last please" and then every time daddy tried to get you out you went" Only last time"..... You are a girl who knows what she wants and not just that you know how to ask for it with whom.... I see a very tactful and street smart girl in you.